Dios Apate -The Deception of Zeus (Iliad 14.153ff)
The Power of Eros is enshrined in this scene; we may begin our consideration of Calypso in the Odyssey here (eros as concealer of historical forces). Meanwhile Hera soon reached Gargarus , the summit of lofty Ida . Zeus , the Cloud-Driver, saw her, and instantly his sharp mind was overwhelmed by longing, as in the days when they first found love, sleeping together without their dear parents’ knowledge. Standing there he called to her: ‘Hera, what brings you speeding from Olympus? And where are your chariot and horses?’ Queen Hera replied, artfully: ‘I am off to the ends of fruitful earth, to visit Oceanus , source of all the gods, and Mother Tethys . They nursed and cherished me lovingly in their halls. I will visit them and bring their ceaseless quarrel to an end. They have been estranged for a long time now, from love and the marriage bed, ever since their hearts were embittered. My horses wait at the foot of Ida of many streams, and they ...
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